属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雪袭击芝加哥 Winter strikes C
1 | ||1:取决于这些规则如何实施——它们要到12月才会最终敲定——蚂蚁金服的“轻资本”模式可能会看起来不那么光鲜。||2:一家亚洲主权财富基金的策略师表示:“它的估值将更像是一家金融公司而不是科技公司。”||3:鉴于蚂蚁金服的过往记录,它似乎会迅速适应新规则,但其信贷业务可能面临增长放缓和盈利能力下降。 | ||1: Depending on how the rules are implemented—they will not be finalised until December—Ant’s capital-light model could end up looking much less sleek. ||2: "It will be valued more like a financial firm than a tech firm," said a strategist with an Asian sovereign-wealth fund. ||3: Given Ant’s track record, it seems a fair bet that it will quickly adapt to the new rules, but its credit operations are likely to face much slower growth and lower profitability. | |
2 | ||1:随着新药品种开发减少,药品的研发资金缩减,药品研究正处于黑暗时期。||2:但有一束光带来了一线希望。||3:“个性化药品”承诺为个人定制药品。||4:基因测试将识别出那些从特制药品中获益的人。||5:从而加强治疗效果;降低浪费水平。||6:个性化药品让制药商、医生和病人均欣喜若狂。这也引发了法律纠纷。 | ||1: DRUG research is in dark times, as pipelines dry up and development budgets are cut. ||2: But one shaft of light pierces the gloom. ||3: “Personalised medicine” promises to craft drugs for individuals. ||4: Genetic tests will identify those who will benefit from specific medicines. ||5: Treatment will be more effective; waste will drop. ||6: Personalised medicine has sparked excitement among drugmakers, doctors, hospitals and patients. It has also sparked a legal brawl. | |
3 | ||1:一列货运火车装载着十二车煤炭,煤炭上覆盖着一层薄薄的白雪,火车迂回地行进于狭窄的山谷之间,时而沿着这一条双车道高速公路行驶,时而又穿过那一条。||2:峡谷寂静而多雪,尽管这已经是进入2012年以来的的第二天了,然而在阿帕拉契亚,这样的一天也可以发生在1982年,1942年或者是1922年:一个世纪以来,煤炭在这里挖掘,并不断用火车运走。 | ||1:A FREIGHT train, its dozen cars loaded with coal covered in a light dusting of snow, snaked through the narrow valley, sometimes following the two-lane highway and sometimes crossing it.||2:The valley was silent and snowy, and though it was two days into 2012 it could easily have been 1982, 1942 or 1922: coal has been mined in Appalachia and carried out by rail for well over a century. | |
4 | ||1:芝加哥市以坚毅的决心使整个城市即使在这个国家最恶劣的天气下也能保持正常运转,芝加哥人以此为傲。||2:那些能让伦敦或华盛顿瘫痪的暴雪在芝加哥人眼里就像一层薄灰。||3:而今年,一些人还特别希望会出现坏天气,因为这是对新市长拉姆?伊曼纽尔的考验。||4:他必须使这座城市撑过冬天,要不然就要忍受到市民的怒气。 | ||1:Ready, steady, snowTHE city of Chicago is proud of its ability to keep going, with gritty determination, through the worst of the nation’s weather.||2:Snow that would bring London or Washington, DC, to a halt is laughed off as little more than a light dusting.||3:This year some are expecting particularly bad weather, a test for the new mayor, Rahm Emanuel.||4:He must keep the city moving throughout the winter, or face the wrath of the locals. | |
5 | 太阳的活动周期是11年,在此周期内太阳散发出的紫外线总量的变化比太阳能总量的变化要大的多。吸收大部分紫外线的平流层?——地球大气圈的一部分,在此周期内可能会变得异常敏感。 | The sun’s activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle, and over this cycle the amount of ultraviolet (UV) light the sun emits changes a lot more than does the total amount of energy. The stratosphere, the part of the Earth’s atmosphere which does most to absorb UV, might thus be expected to be particularly sensitive to the cycle. | |
6 | “禁止吸烟”标识为什么实际上鼓励了吸烟者点烟 | Why No smoking signs actually ENCOURAGE smokers to light up | |
7 | “阳光售房”为何难照亮北京的天空 | Why "sunshine house sales" is difficult to light up the sky of Beijing | |
8 | Abruzzi的眼睛亮了起来,他想知道信是谁送的。 | Abruzzi’s eyes light up and he wants to know who sent it. | |
9 | WindowsXP改进方面的两个示例是当鼠标放在带圆弧拐角的控件上时控件颜色变亮,以及彩色的 | Two examples of Windows XP enhancements are controls with rounded corners that light up on mouse over and a colorful | |
10 | 避免酒吧或饭店之类会点燃你点烟欲望的场合。 | Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be tempted to light up . | |
11 | 波兰华沙老城的圣诞节市场的灯光点亮了,繁忙的店主喜欢这种节日气氛。 | Christmas markets light up the Old Town in Warsaw, Poland, bustling with shoppers enjoying the festive atmosphere. | |
12 | 充满大萧条节日气氛的填馅洋蓟 | Stuffed artichokes to light up a Depression holiday | |
13 | 抽烟:从道德上说我不怎么鼓励你这么做,但许多人确实是“点亮”了他们的后高潮时代! | Smoke: As much as I can’t morally encourage you to smoke, many people choose to light up post-coitus. | |
14 | 此外,花费小部分资金,就能在附近的Kajaki大坝修建一座巨大的水利发电厂,照亮整个坎大哈。 | And a big hydropower plant at the nearby Kajaki dam should be able to light up Kandahar for a fraction of the cost. | |
15 | 从奇异的反物质到把光捆扎成结的实验,物理学已经揭示了我们世界的一些幽灵般的奇异方面。 | From bizarre antimatter to experiments that tie light up in knots, physics has revealed some spooky sides of our world. | |
16 | 待会儿我就点上一支然后塞进你这死胖子嘴里! | I’m going to light up a fat blunt and then I’m going to rape your mouth! | |
17 | 但几乎没有足够的火花可以点亮一个袖珍手电筒。 | But there was barely enough spark to light up a pocket flashlight. | |
18 | 但是更认为能让孩子在打开礼物那一刻兴奋地嘴角上扬则是更令人开心的。 | But I think people want to see the kid’s face light up when they open their gift. | |
19 | 但是研究人员最近发现当我们大脑的这些区域变亮的时候,其它区域会变暗。 | But researchers have recently discovered that when these areas of our brains light up , other areas go dark. | |
20 | 当两人第一次见面,派对的嘈杂似乎退却了,房间里似乎为这两人亮起了希望之光。 | When their eyes first met, the din of the party seemed to recede and the room to light up for the two of them with a glow of promise. | |
21 | 当你扭开旋钮,一道橙色的亮光会逐渐照亮一个冬季傍晚的漆黑房间。 | When you turned the knob to switch it on, an orange glow would gradually light up a darkened room on a winter’s evening. | |
22 | 当你在看某人做某事时,你大脑里相同的部分会被唤起,并认为是你自己在做(称为镜像神经元)。 | When you watch someone do something, the same parts in your brain light up as though you were doing it yourself (called mirror neurons). | |
23 | 当你在谈论你的梦想时我喜欢你准备走的那条路。 | I love the way you light up when you talk about your dream. | |
24 | 当有短信的时候,球就会点亮,同时你可以展开主屏及应用。 | The ball will light up when there is a notification as well as allow you to scroll through the home screens and applications. | |
25 | 点燃一盏灯……为爱点燃一盏灯 | Light up a Lamp of Love | |
26 | 调查显示,澳大利亚烟民平均每人每天吸13.8根香烟,合每人每年吸5037根。 | According to the survey, Australian smokers light up an average of 13. 8 cigarettes every day or 5, 037 cigarettes a year. | |
27 | 菲律宾巴拉望,在海湾散步区燃放烟火,启动周围圣诞树展览活动。 | Fireworks light up the sky to launch the Christmas tree display along a bay walk in Palawan city, Philippines. | |
28 | 古老而又简洁的真理就如同点亮了小教堂里那些男男女女的生命般,也点亮了我的生命。 | Truths as old and simple as this began to light up for me like the faces of the men and women in the little church. | |
29 | 关掉保险后,电击枪上的激光器和白光LED将会照亮目标。 | Flip off the safety, and the Taser will light up your target with both a laser and white light from an LED. | |
30 | 火焰照亮了屋子中央的一片地方,我能感觉到火光映在我的脸上。 | The flames light up the middle of the room, and I can feel them reflected on my face. |